Liam Spence's profile

Accessible address search

Enhancements for Address Searches
Address search functionality in the online form service I contribute to has consistently received user feedback regarding difficulties in locating addresses. This was primarily attributed to the simplistic retrieval method and lack of intuitive feedback, which were constrained by the platform and available user experience during that period.

To address this, I implemented several improvements to enhance the address search feature. Firstly, I incorporated visual cues such as loading messages during the search process to account for potential delays in retrieving data from the APIs, which could vary based on network speeds.

Additionally, I ensured the provision of clear error feedback to assist users in identifying issues with their address inputs. This included notifying users about incorrect postcode formats or informing them if no addresses were found corresponding to their entered details. A clear message displaying the entered postcode was also provided to ensure its accuracy.

In cases where errors persisted, I implemented an accordion-style interface to offer further guidance to users. This expanded section provided assistance in identifying and resolving potential issues related to their address search.

For situations where users were still unable to locate their address, they were presented with two options, depending on the specific requirements of the form. They could either manually enter their address or receive instructions on how to report a missing or incorrect address.

These enhancements aimed to streamline the address search process, provide clearer feedback, and offer alternative options to accommodate diverse user scenarios.

Standard appearance:
No addresses found error:
Postcode format error:
Accessible address search

Accessible address search
